How to Join

Benefits of becoming an APLA member.

Becoming a member of APLA has many advantages.

The Key benefit is that APLA fights for Members,  ALL Prospectors and  ALL Leaseholders rights at Forums like the Resource Industry Consultative Committee (Formerly - Mining Industry Liaison Council) and by representation to Government Departments and Political Bodies.

APLA members also get a free subscription to the regular online magazine as well as invitations to Association events and training.

APLA members are invited to bush camps and prospecting trips hosted by experienced and professional prospectors.

Financial APLA Members are covered by a $20million Public Liability Insurance automatically when they are prospecting as an amateur legally. (See the Terms and Conditions relating to Public Liability Insurance!)

There are five APLA Branches in WA. Meetings are held in Perth, Mandurah, Bunbury, Albany and Kalgoorlie for your convenience and access to experienced members. When joining, please choose the location closest to your main place of residence as this will be the Branch you attend for regular meetings.

Membership Costs are minor compared to the benefits :

  • Full Member $110pa

  • Family (2 adults and 2 kids under 16) $150pa

  • Pensioner $80pa

  • Pensioner Couple $110pa

Once your have created your account and paid your membership, a short approval process is required to confirm your payment and details. Once this is completed, your website account will be active. Physical membership cards are sent in batches, with a normal turnaround time of 1-2 weeks.



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